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ReImagining Education: What We Teach, How We Teach and The Systems In Which We Teach (Faith-Based Version) ReImagine Education. What we teach, how we teach and the systems in which we teach. This book is for all stakeholders in education and particularly faith-based education. It offers solutions to reinvigorate education and motivate students. Jerry examines: 1) The SYSTEM of education identifying the need for authoritative communities that are intergenerational. 2) He looks at the CLASSROOM and how to obtain rigorous standards by increasing the relevance of each topic to students through relationships and "significant conversations." 3) The author examines our CURRICULUM identifying the importance of empowring conceptual thinking and empowering "microtransformation." Jerry has spent years teaching incarcerated youth and working with literally thousands of public and private schools all over the world. The 3E's of a Meaningful Life: Enthusiasm, Encouragement and Engage a Community About the Book: This 14-part curriculum is a follow-up to the day-long seminar that Jerry does with middle and high-school age youth. Topics look at the importance of being able to "self-enthuse" in the midst of an "entertain-me" society. How to make your life more meaningful by encouraging people: Putting courage in the hearts of others. Also, why it is critical to be able to engage a community in a meaningful vision. Each section is designed as a conversation for a small group or a class. Following the conversation are exercises designed to help students turn the value into action. In addition, each segment ends with a chance for the participant to plan their week to accent their strengths and identify their danger moments. There is a book for secular and faith-based groups. Significant Conversations; Helping Young People Live Meaning Full Lives About the Book: This book has been at the core of our outreaches to young people both in detention centers and schools. There are forty-two conversations about values and habits that lead to a meaningful life. Each segment is divided into three segments. An introduction for the facilitator of why we are teaching this value and some background information on the subject. A short introduction for the teens to read together. Conversations for a small group of young people or a young person and their mentor to learn more about the subject. A section to help the young person "Expand Their Emotional Vocabulary," and then action steps for the week. Topics include creating healthy friendships, conflict-negotiation skills, identifying the difference between friendship and manipulation and many more. Every conversation has been tested in our own mentoring programs. Relevant Faith, Significant Conversations; Helping others find meaning and purpose in what they believe About the Book: Christianity is at a crossroads today. In our world, radical fundamentalism has hijacked many religions and turned them into political ideologies. Meanwhile, other churches are turning Christianity into a self-focused form of emotionalism. In that focus, worship becomes akin to a Hollywood production masking a cult of consumerism. The purpose of this book is to provide readers with enough information to have “Significant Conversations” about Christianity. Not a faith that makes us feel comfortable, but a faith that challenges us to the soul. The purpose of this book is no less than the to turn comfortable members into relevant disciples who purposely live out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ in the real world. The
Deepest Longing of Young People: Loved without
Conditions About the Book: The
best way to teach young people that they are valuable and meaningful is
to offer them uninterrupted attention. By that simple yet powerful act,
we are showing young people that it isn't what they can do for us that
matters. What matters is their inalienable right to unconditional love.
This is the deepest longing of young people today, consistent,
transparent relationship--not a new program or curriculum to tell them
what to do or what they should value, but a caring, compassionate adult
who will walk the path to wholeness with them. What people are saying about Jerry's new book: “It is seldom that you find a book which is simultaneously profound and practical. Here it is! Jerry Goebel is offering us real wisdom and guidance for those of us who care about the next generations.” -- Fr. Richard Rohr, O.F.M. Center for Action and Contemplation Albuquerque, New Mexico I read this book with something approaching awe – it is so full of compassion for troubled youth, so eminently practical, and written with such heartfelt passion that you cannot help yourself from saying: There is Truth here. Jerry Goebel has been working with young people in gangs, juvenile detention centers, and prisons for more than thirty years, and his philosophy can be summed up in just a few words: Listen thoroughly and speak only when you know the right questions to ask. This same philosophy of life has been stated by spiritual teachers in different ways throughout the ages, and Jerry’s book is a potent reminder of the need to listen with an open heart and mind. Every parent and everyone who works with youth should read this book. -- Katherine Ketcham, co-author of “Teens Under the Influence” With this book, Jerry Goebel hits the mark. With a profound understanding of young people and their potential, he provides wise and compelling insight about how lives become transformed. I admire his faith in the goodness of young people and his counsel on how adults both in and outside the church can help this goodness trump hardship and our "entertain me" culture. I highly recommend this important book. -- Peter B Peter L. Benson, Ph.D.
President & CEO
Search Institute
Click here to Order "THE DEEPEST LONGING" Is There
Hope For Me Now? This book is for the young person who, for whatever reason, is having a difficult period in his or her life. Is There Hope for Me Now? focuses on helping young people understand more about “what’s going on inside of them” and offers some practical suggestions about “what they can do on the outside” to make healthy choices in spite of their predicament The
Songs of God Most of our lives are found somewhere in the middle of those polar opposites: unexplainable joy and visceral confusion. The is book is about choosing to praise God despite one's circumstances for it is that type of determined praise that leads to a heart shaped by God. "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." - Psalm 37:4 |
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Jerry began writing
in-depth bible studies for incarcerated men almost ten years ago. His
readership grew into a substantial newsletter going to clergy and
lay-people all around the world. Jerry has also written a number of
articles for multiple journals and publications. You can download bible
studies and articles by clicking below: Download Studies | Download Articles
Order Jerry's Musical CD's | ||||||||||||||
A winner of five popular
music awards and an award for excellence in Christian Education (from the National Catholic Education Association), Jerry has years of experience in the field of secular and religious
music. His music has been recognized for it's upbeat and positive style as
well as his thought-provoking ballads. Jerry also includes a variety of
musical styles including humorous songs that will get an audience of any age
up and celebrating.
You can look some of
Jerry's lyrics and download his songs directly by clicki
All CD's are a suggested $15.00 donation, plus shipping and handling.